Let's Glow Together!!


Why my students are so successful!

Stephanie Harper

There are a few reasons why students who take my one-on-one class tend to be more successful than those who take large group classes:
  1. Individualized Attention: My student receive individualized attention from me. This allows me to tailor the lessons to each student's specific needs and learning style. In a large group class, the instructor may not have the time or resources to provide personalized attention to each student, which can make it more difficult for some students to learn effectively.

  2. Personalized Feedback: I provide immediate feedback to my student on their techniques, skills, and progress. This allows them to make corrections and improvements right away, which can help them to advance their skills more quickly. In a large group class, it can be more difficult for the instructor to provide individual feedback to each student, which can slow down the learning process.

  3. Flexibility: I can be more flexible than large group classes, in terms of scheduling, content, and pace of learning. This can be especially beneficial for students with busy schedules, or those who have specific goals or areas they want to focus on. In a large group class, the schedule and content are typically more rigid, which may not work for every student.

 In addition to these benefits, I also offer mentorship to my students after the class. This means that I am available to answer any questions they may have, provide additional guidance and support, and help them to continue to improve and refine their skills. This mentorship can be a crucial factor in my students' success, as it allows them to receive ongoing support and feedback even after the class has ended.

Furthermore, mentorship can help my students to stay motivated and accountable, as they have someone to turn to for guidance and encouragement. This can be especially important for those who are pursuing a new skill or hobby, as it can be easy to lose motivation or become discouraged without the right support.

Overall, my combination of individualized attention, personalized feedback, flexibility, and mentorship can help my students to achieve their goals and succeed in their endeavors. I am committed to providing the highest level of support and guidance to each and every one of my students, and I take pride in seeing them grow and thrive under my mentorship.

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