Let's Glow Together

At Home Self-Care Solutions

Make Yourself Proud

Studio Sport

Regular price $25.00
Make Yourself Proud
Make Yourself Proud is a collection of stories of women that have overcome adversity, faced their fears and conquered entrepreneurship. Stories of women that have faced disappointment, financial hardships, divorce, being a single parent, lack of support, prison sentences, battles with cancer and more. They continued to push and achieve their dreams. All the things that were meant to deter them made them stronger. These are stories to inspire and educate other women. Women that think it's too late or there are too many obstacles to overcome can find strength from these stories. The stories are about ordinary women, not different from the people that you may know, that have been able to soar. The stories explore the lives of women that decided to live outside of the box despite what they were told. These ladies have all faced different obstacles and live all over the United States. In spite of their differences, they definitely share a few things in common - they are all passionate, are laser focused and have a strong commitment to build successful businesses and live a life that they LOVE. I hope these stories ignite a new fire in women that are sitting on the sidelines watching others achieve their dreams.

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