Let's Glow Together!!


20 Ways to Love and Pamper Yourself on Valentines Day & Everyday

Stephanie Harper

It's love day!!  My mom always made a big deal about every holiday for us growing up!! Lately everyone seems to try to make you feel bad for celebrating man made holidays. Well, let me tell you.... I celebrate and I love them. I always treat myself on holidays.  Well, I get treats from my entire family  because that's how we roll. I thought I would share a few Ways to Love & Pamper Yourself on Valentine’s Day & Every Day. I'll be sharing my favorite things and they will be linked in this post for those who like shopping on V - Day like I do !! 

20 Ways to Love & Pamper Yourself On Valentine’s Day & Every Day

1. Take a Bubble Bath
2. Give yourself a manicure/pedicure
3. Give yourself a facial
4. Set aside some time to read a book you’re into
5. Write yourself a love letter, noting all your great accomplishments
6. Take a walk outside (if you live somewhere warm)
7. Do a yoga session for your body, mind, and soul
8. Allow yourself to indulge in your favorite dessert.....im having ice cream tonight !!
9. Participate in your favorite exercise class
10. Go to a class to learn something 
11. Schedule a massage
12. Buy yourself a new set of underwear that will make you feel sexy
13. Put on some of your favorite relaxing music and pour yourself a glass of wine
14. Call a friend you’ve been meaning to catch up with and just chat
15. Go to a coffee shop (without your kids) and just enjoy a mug of coffee or tea
16. indulge in a hand facial ....yes your hands need love !!
17. lotion up your body after a relaxing bath
18. try a new chocolate bar
19. Buy yourself a new nail polish color
20. Make a green smoothie that will make you feel healthy and refreshed

Just a few examples but the list goes on !! So what’s it gonna be? Are you going to go around and mope this Valentine’s Day because you don’t have a date or your honey isn’t as romantic as you want him or her to be? Or are you going to show Valentine’s Day who’s boss and take it by the horns? I know you’ll make the right choice!




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