Let's Glow Together


How to eat your way to better skin

Stephanie Harper

How to eat your way to better skin

I know you have heard this saying a million times “you are what you eat” , and believe me it is so true.  The foods you eat can do beautiful things for your skin.. Your food choices can change the way your skin looks and feels. It may be hard for you to believe but fruits and vegetables will make you feel cleansed and alive, while lean meat will make you feel energize.

I haven't always had healthy glowly skin and there were many factors that contributed to that. Over the past few years I've started to love myself a lot more. My food choices,environment, mood, sleep, and my health all play a large role in my skin. So, I thought I would share with you guys a list of foods that I use to eat my way to better skin, here’s my list of the best foods for feeding and hydrating  your skin from the  the inside out.

1. Sardines
Yessss !!!! I love them , Sardines contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which means they’re one of the best natural sources of good fats in the entire world! They are also rich in a certain type of omega-3 called DHA, which is an anti-inflammatory. This means it can help to reduce the redness and irritation that comes with acne. As well as reduce the puffy-look of tired and ageing skin after a late night. FYI... You can also find good fats in avocados, nuts and seeds

2. Kale
Kale is my least favorite but I do eat it. I have to be very careful with this one because it does make me go to the bathroom. Kale is a leafy green veggie full of all kinds of health and skin-boosting benefits. It’s especially rich in both vitamins A and C. Vitamin A promotes the growth of healthy skin tissue that’s either been damaged through age or other stresses while Vitamin C builds and maintains collagen levels in your skin, making it appear fuller, healthier and younger.

3. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is full of cocoa flavonoids, ( I think I spelled that right?) which are plant compounds boasting many antioxidant properties and can help to hydrate skin and improve circulation. But be careful, don't eat too much chocolate contains a lot of calories. Most experts recommend you consume just two or three squares a day to get the benefits and ensure your skin is well looked after with the nutrients it needs, Whether you have blemishes or you want to get rid of those dang wrinkles.

4. Chicken
Chicken contains zinc, a chemical that your body uses to regulate how the oil glands in your skin function. This means the more zinc you eat the more likely your skin is going to control your oil levels correctly, meaning less breakouts. Zinc also helps to repair skin damage and keep the texture of your skin soft and supple. So not only is it a must-have for those with acne, but also those concerned with wrinkles.

5. Cucumber
The flesh of cucumbers is primarily composed of water but also contains vitamin C and caffeic acid, both of which help soothe skin irritations and reduce swelling—which is why cucumbers are often used to help swollen eyes and sunburn.

6.  Zucchini
With 95 percent water by weight, Zucchini is one of the most hydrating vegetables you can eat. A healthy serving has less than 25 calories and is an excellent source of folate, potassium, and vitamins A and C.

7. Cantaloupe
Even though this popular melon is 90 percent water, it's still packed with refreshingly rich flavor—for just 56 calories per cup. One cup of cantaloupe also provides 103.2 percent of the daily value for vitamin A.

8. Watermelon
I probably eat way to much of this in the summer time . A 2009 study at the University of Aberdeen Medical School found that the combination of salts, minerals and natural sugars in some fruits and vegetables can actually hydrate people more effectively than water or even sports drinks. Watermelon was on top of the list, thanks to its 92 percent water content and essential rehydration salts calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.

9. Bell Peppers
Omg the yellow bell peppers are my favorite!! Colorful bell peppers are 92 percent water, yet they're still rich sources of some of the best nutrients available, including vitamin C, thiamine, vitamin B6, beta carotene, and folic acid.

10. Pear
Any kinda of pear will do but I'm currently loving the Asian Pear. Beyond their sweet, refreshing taste, one medium pear contains 6 grams of dietary fiber, or 24 percent of the daily recommended value. Plus, the type of fiber found in pears (soluble fiber) helps you feel full for a longer period of time, which means it can help you lose weight.

11. Pineapple
 I really like pineapple I just hate cutting them. This exceptionally juicy fruit is packed with bromelain, a mixture of compounds with potent anti-inflammatory powers. In other words, eat pineapple now and you may avoid pain meds in the future.

12. Carrots
Carrots contain about 87 percent water and more of the powerful antioxidant beta-carotene than any other vegetable or fruit. Studies have found that compounds in carrots help protect again skin, lung and oral cavity cancers.

13. Water
Well, it goes without saying that water is really important for your skin. It keeps cells hydrated and nourished, which gives them a better chance of acting quickly and repairing your body and your skin cells when they need it. 

I could go on, but these are foods that are apart of my everyday lifestyle. I struggle in the winter time  because once you've had fresh fruits and veggies it is so hard to eat store bought items. Like always let me know if this was helpful and what you would like more info on.

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