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The Blog — non-invasive body contouring

Client Reviews Are Like Gold

Client Reviews Are Like Gold

As a wellness professional, you know that word-of-mouth recommendations are like gold for your business. And in today’s digital age, online reviews are the new word-of-mouth. But how do you get more client reviews and use them to boost your reputation and income? Here are some tips to help you out. First, start by finding all the reviews you didn’t even know you had. Check your emails, text messages, Facebook page, Instagram comments, Instagram Stories, and your Google My Business page. You’ll find that glowing reviews are actually everywhere. Next, learn to recognize compliments and kind words for what they...

Looking for a few new clients? I've got you 👀

Looking for a few new clients? I've got you 👀

Hey boss babes! Congrats on taking the leap and starting your career in the wellness industry! Now, it's time to let everyone know about your business and the amazing services you offer. Here are 8 ways to promote your services...1. Share on Social Media: As a wellness professional, you've got this! Post about your business on your personal Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn profiles. If you’ve created business pages for your brand, be sure to share that you’re open for business on there as well. Don't forget to complete the "providing services" section of your LinkedIn profile and update it to...

How To Show Up In Your Business !

How To Show Up In Your Business !

Are you feeling like you're struggling to show up in your business? It's okay, we've all been there. But the good news is that finding your flow when it comes to your business is totally up to you. Here are a few tips to help you get started. First things first, start your day with a big smile and positive vibes. Your attitude sets the tone for your entire day. Take a few deep breaths, set your intention for the day, and embrace those good vibes. Next, set achievable goals and break them down into small, manageable tasks. Celebrate your...

Set Your Self Up For Success With The Right Clients!

Set Your Self Up For Success With The Right Clients!

Choosing the wrong clients for your non-invasive body contouring business can have negative effects on the growth of your business. Here are a few examples:Poor Results: If you choose clients who are not suitable candidates for non-invasive body contouring treatments, you may not be able to achieve optimal results. This can lead to unsatisfied clients who may not return for additional treatments or refer others to your business.Negative Reviews: If clients are not satisfied with the results of their non-invasive body contouring treatments, they may leave negative reviews on your business's website or social media pages. This can damage your...